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Nominibus trivialibus, synonimis selectis

A number of young artists are exhibiting biomorphic objects amid the rocks and seedlings of the Apothecaries Garden.


A number of young artists are exhibiting biomorphic objects amid the rocks and seedlings of the Apothecaries Garden.

Curator: Vlad Kulkov

Artists: Marya Agureeva, Sasha Auerbach, Pavel Brat, Crocodile Power, Marja Dmitrieva, Ilya Dolgov, Dmitry Kawarga, Alexander Krivoshapkin, Denis Patrakeev, Daria Pravda, Ilya Romanov, Marya Syrtlanova, Sasha Frolova, Ustina Yakovleva, Dunya Zakharova, Dmitry Zhukov

Organizers: Triumph Gallery, Moscow Institute of Cosmic Anomalies


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